Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week 2

Tutorial- Tuesday (11th June)
In tuto today, we learned about the differences between Data/Info/Knowledge, and how it becomes useful when applied to the proper audience and context.

We also learned about differentiating tacit and explicit knowledge and how they transfer between each other.

P.s. Bank Negara Trip has been postponed from 19th June to 26th June... Can't wait!!!


Lecture- Friday (14th June)
In lecture today, we learned what KM Cycles are all about: the path information takes from creation to and asset of the organization.

There's a few different types of KM, we started off with a basic model, the Zack & Meyer LC. Information takes a procedural route from Acquisition to Distribution and Presentation.

The next LC is the Bukowitz & Williams LC. This cycle is different from Z&M's LC because of the introduction of 2 critical phases:
1. the learning of new content
2. the decision to maintain said content or divest it
 Figure 1: Bukowitz & Williams LC

Other LCs included the McElroy LC, the Wiig LC, and the Integrated KM Cycle.

That's all for this week's updates, tune in next week for more!



  1. Did you find the class interesting?

  2. Yeah, but only the 1st 2 cycles caught my attention, towards the end I was getting sleepy XD

