Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 3

Tutorial - 18th June

Madam Fatimah told us to bring a t-shirt to the class. We're learning how to fold the t-shirt under 2 seconds.
Implying the Integrated KM Life Cycle. Firstly she read out the instructions which make us having a hard time to understand. Then, she how us the instructions in words. Still none of us get the idea. Lastly she showed us the video. Some of us understand the instructions then taught the others who doesn't get to do it. That was not the ending, she made a competition to those who can really fold the t-shirt under 2 seconds. The winner is the yellow shirt guy (don't know his name LOL).

From what I've learned, now I can see clearly how the Integrated KM Life Cycle works.

Lecture - 20th June

 I was late for the 8am today!! >.<!! Sneaked into class and continued listening to lecture. The focus was on models today... No not models like Amber Chia, but Knowledge Management models... One of the well known and most used models is the Nonaka and Takeuchi KM model. To dumb it down, it works in a spiral, and shows the process of transfer between tacit to explicit knowledge, the implementation, and documentation for passing down to the next gen. and as newer knowledge is created, the cycle repeats itself. Kinda like Naruto's Uzumaki Clan. Uzumaki means 'Spiral'.

Well known as it is, this model has a limitation: It does not support decision making. Hence, newer models, or as I like to call it: complementary models were introduced. Enter the CHOO Model... LOL.. and the Wiig model. These models work based on Nonaka & Takeuchi's model. However they have their own special 'features'...

Choo's model focuses on sense making; while Wiig's model focuses on internalization.

Anyway that's all for this week, tune in next week for more!!!


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