Sunday, July 28, 2013

week 8

This week we have learnt a couple of things in class. Firstly Madam Fatimah thought us how to differentiate the different component technologies found in KM. And then she also explained to us how different technologies are used for capturing, organizing  storing, and sharing new knowledge. She also thought us how to contrast the functions of different component technologies. And finally she concluded by teaching us how to select appropriate KM technologies for an organization according to its needs.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 7

This week in our TKM lecture class we learnt about organizational culture. In organizational culture the workers shared the same assumptions, beliefs and values. It is usually influenced and cultivated by reward and punishment system found in an organization. It is a powerful unifying force yet it could also be a powerful restraint on changes imposed by the higher authority.

Other than culture, we also learnt about how implementation of KM into organization of a certain maturity level. For organisation that is in the ‘chaotic’ stage, implementation of KM is tough or unnecessary. KM are more sought after for companies that are at the maturity level of ‘organized’ and ‘managed’. Company to reach the ‘agile’ maturity stage are strongly dependant on Knowledge Management such as Google.

Speaking of Google, our lecturer Madam Fatimah showed us a video of the workplace and environment of a Google workplace all around the world. 

That would be the summary for this week. Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 6

For me personally, this week's highlight is for our Knowledge Management class is theMyers-Briggs personality type developed from the research of psychiatrist named Carl Jung. Why am I so interested in this is because I’ve been doing some reading about personality temperaments, the strength and weaknesses of different temperaments and how different temperaments function. With this knowledge it enables me to view myself and others from different perspective and from the eyes of a person with different personality.
Back to the topic, in Myers-Briggs personality type there are 16 different combinations of personalities usually referred to by an abbreviation of four letters and they are ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ and ENTJ.
Our personality is shaped by our incline towards the attributes below.

extraversion (E) - introversion (I)
sensing (S) - intuition (N)
thinking (T) - feeling (F)
judgment (J) - perception (P)

For instance, my personality is INTJ - Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Judgement. If you notice, the values on the left and the right are opposing each other. However that doesn’t mean we can’t have both attributes at the same time. This categorization of personality only tells us what a person with such attributesare more inclined towards. A person with (I) rating may not be a fully closed up introvert but he or she would prefers introversion over extraversion. Some may have values that are strongly biased towards one side (such as 90% extrovert and 10% introvert) and some may have rather balanced ones (42% extrovert and 38% introvert).
Alright, I shall supress my ‘perfectionistic’ personality or else I could go on and write a 5 page long essay on this topic alone. Thank you for reading and that’s all for this week.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Bank Negara Trip

Sasana Kijang Main Entrance

We had a class trip to Bank Negara Malaysia last week on the 19th of June to visit their knowledge management centre. At first we arrived at Bank Negara's HQ that looks like a fortress built in the late 80's designed to last a number of decades. Soon we discovered that their knowledge management centre does not reside within the HQ but a housed within a newly constructed facility nearby named Sasana Kijang.

Le students

From that trip we witnessed how Bank Negara implements various KM model into their organization and customize to meet their own needs in different departments with different policies. From the surface BNM's KM Centre is a physical collection of information, very much like a library. However, BNM's KM department also keeps an online database integrated into the organization's core and facilitate their operation by making knowledge easily accessible to all their staffs as well as to the public. They also developed a culture of information sharing within the organization where they encourage everyone to externalize and deposit knowledge into their database. For such culture to be cultivated in an organization is not an easy task especially for a competitive organization that deals with very sensitive information and strict policies.

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