Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 7

This week in our TKM lecture class we learnt about organizational culture. In organizational culture the workers shared the same assumptions, beliefs and values. It is usually influenced and cultivated by reward and punishment system found in an organization. It is a powerful unifying force yet it could also be a powerful restraint on changes imposed by the higher authority.

Other than culture, we also learnt about how implementation of KM into organization of a certain maturity level. For organisation that is in the ‘chaotic’ stage, implementation of KM is tough or unnecessary. KM are more sought after for companies that are at the maturity level of ‘organized’ and ‘managed’. Company to reach the ‘agile’ maturity stage are strongly dependant on Knowledge Management such as Google.

Speaking of Google, our lecturer Madam Fatimah showed us a video of the workplace and environment of a Google workplace all around the world. 

That would be the summary for this week. Thanks for reading :)

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